All The JavaScript You Need To Know For React


2 min read

Key JavaScript Concepts for React

  1. Functions

    • Arrow Functions:

      • A modern syntax for defining functions in JavaScript.

      • Recommended for use in React for cleaner and more concise code.

      • Example:

          const doSomething = () => {
              // logic here
    • Function Definition:

      • Traditional function definition:

          function doSomething() {
              // logic here
    • Anonymous Functions:

      • Functions without a name, useful for inline event handling in React components.

      • Example:

          <button onClick={() => { /* logic here */ }}>Click me</button>
  2. Conditionals

    • Ternary Operators:

      • A shorthand for if-else statements, useful for conditional rendering in React components.

      • Example:

          const name = age > 10 ? 'Pedro' : 'Jack';
    • Conditional Rendering:

      • Using ternary operators to render different UI elements based on conditions.

      • Example:

          return (
                  {age > 10 ? <h1>Pedro</h1> : <h1>Jack</h1>}
  3. Objects

    • Destructuring:

      • A way to extract values from objects into variables, making code cleaner and more readable.

      • Example:

          const person = { name: 'Pedro', age: 20 };
          const { name, age } = person; // name = 'Pedro', age = 20
    • Shorthand Property Names:

      • When creating objects, if the key name is the same as the variable name, you can omit the key.

      • Example:

          const name = 'Pedro';
          const person = { name }; // equivalent to { name: name }
    • Spread Operator:

      • Used to copy properties from one object to another while allowing modifications.

      • Example:

          const person2 = { ...person, name: 'Jack' }; // person2 has all properties of person, but name is 'Jack'
  4. Arrays

    • Array Methods: Important methods for manipulating arrays in React.

      • Map:

        • Transforms each element in an array and returns a new array.

        • Example:

            const names = ['Pedro', 'Jack'];
            const newNames = => name + '!'); // ['Pedro!', 'Jack!']
      • Filter:

        • Creates a new array with elements that pass a specified condition.

        • Example:

            const filteredNames = names.filter(name => name !== 'Pedro'); // Removes 'Pedro' from the array
  5. Working with APIs

    • Promises and Async/Await:

      • Essential for handling asynchronous operations when fetching data from APIs.

      • Example of using async/await:

          const fetchData = async () => {
              const response = await fetch('');
              const data = await response.json();
    • Fetch API:

      • A method to make network requests to retrieve data from APIs.

      • Understanding how to work with the Fetch API is crucial for React development.